CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, called „pens,“ and test them. It was founded in 2012 by full-stack developers Alex Vazquez and Tim Sabat and front-end designer Chris Coyier. Its employees work remotely, rarely all meeting together in person. CodePen is one of the largest communities for web designers and developers to showcase their coding skills and work.

You can browse and see public code snippets, edit them online and instantly see those changes in the editor console. You can publish your own work as well.

The database is really big, so there are thousands of codes that you can play with. The platform is perfect for new amateur coders, who can easily expand their field of view and explore many possibilities.

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